With the new upcoming Lean and Mean 30 day challenge on the horizon, I put some serious thought into where I wanted to be in 30 days. Do I want to be in the same spot I am in now or do I want to set those goals and hit those goals. Most people would say the latter, I hope. I began to reflect on my eating, exercise, at home workout, stretching routine, you name it and to be quite honest it all felt a little overwhelming. Most people find themselves here. Thinking, “Where do I begin?” ” How do I get to the goal I am wanting?” and most people stop there. Why? When we are overwhelmed or anxious we tend to go right back to what we know, what is comfortable and we have a hard time expanding out to new and more adventurous terrain. But the truth is if we learn to set small milestone markers, or bread crumbs, it is much easier to navigate to the end goal. For example, instead of drop 50 ibs, set a weekly goal. The key here is don’t beat your self up about it, small steps forward and reflection will help really hone in on those weekly goals. Instead of never eat out again, plan a day that you are going to allow yourself a nice night out. Something that has helped me tremendously is holding off on a craving and setting a future time to allow myself to indulge in that craving. Crazy story, Sometimes I don’t end up indulging! I give myself time to reflect and think about eating, was it just a craving or would I really like to treat myself to those Red Lobster Biscuits later. Indulging every now and than and planning on doing that is NOT BAD. Get right back on that goal setting stallion and keep trotting forward My fearless Knight!
The amazing thing is that with this 30 day Challenge we help with all that!!!!!! Yes I said it!!!! Don’t feel lost, we have free goal setting sessions, at home workouts, stretching plans, nutrition assistance, recipes, free live chats and so so so much more. I would love to invite all of you to hop on the road to success and walk TOGETHER to real results!!!!! Call in today 970-644-7612!