Body Positivity = Taking Care of Your Body

I want to talk about a “feel-good” topic that’s finally becoming a mainstream trend.

It’s BODY POSITIVITY … which basically means loving your body right this very minute – without any ifs, ands, or buts.

Because, frankly, your body is a miracle!

It deserves your care and respect because it works so hard to support you each and every day.

And one of the BEST things you can do to show your body that love and support is to MOVE it – regularly and intentionally. An added bonus is learning how to defend yourself while moving your body; two birds, one stone — right?

your body is a miracle!

When you exercise regularly, your body just plain FEELS and FUNCTIONS better from the inside out.

BONUS: You do NOT have to spend hours a week working out to get these payoffs.

Here’s a list of just some of the many benefits:

  1. A longer life because you are less likely to die early from chronic disease.
  2. Less risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (including colon, breast, lung, and uterine).
  3. Better mood, less stress and anxiety, and improved mental health.
  4. Improved brain health (both the structure AND how it functions).
  5. Stronger bones and muscles.
  6. Better sleep (both quality and quantity).
  7. More satisfying sex life.
  8. Lower risk of falling down.
  9. Improved weight control.
  10.  Easier time quitting smoking.

Doesn’t your amazing body deserve all that!? (ANSWER: Yes it does!)

Fitness kickboxing is an innovative way to exercise while at the same time learning self-defense techniques. What’s better than moving your body and learning to defend yourself?

But I have a question for YOU first: What is your biggest fitness / movement / health-related goal right now? Email me back and let me know!

Make it an amazing day,

MARS team


About our programs

Grand Junction Kids Martial Arts Classes

Kids Martial Arts
in Grand Junction

Parents LOVE our Grand Junction Kids Martial Arts program because it teaches not only self-defense, but also vital life skills like focus, discipline, respect, and more! Watch your child's confidence flourish and their grades improve with this awesome Child Greatness program.

Martial Arts Research Systems of Colorado Adult Martial Arts

Teen Martial Arts
in Grand Junction

Combining confidence-raising fitness and life-changing self-defense, our Grand Junction Teen Martial Arts program keeps your teen's wellness and happiness in mind. It's time to get your teenager active, making new friends and bettering themselves.

Grand Junction Teen and Adult Martial Arts Class

Adult Martial Arts
in Grand Junction

Our Grand Junction Adult Martial Arts program combines next-level fitness with next-level FUN; no more boring workouts! It's time to switch up your routine and get the results you've been looking for in an awesome community of like-minded people.

Martial Arts Research Systems of Colorado Fitness Kickboxing Grand Junction

Teen Fitness Kickboxing
in Grand Junction

Our Teen Fitness Kickboxing classes in Grand Junction get you fit FAST with whole-body conditioning. Get ready to sweat away your stress and have FUN with these awesome classes!

Teen and Adult Fitness Kickboxing Class in Grand Junction

Adult Fitness Kickboxing
in Grand Junction

It's time to shake things up and change your work out. No other fitness program in Grand Junction can generate the results that our Adult Fitness Kickboxing classes can. Are you ready to for a change?


Birthday Parties
in Grand Junction

When we say we have the best birthday parties in Grand Junction, we mean it. Give your child the perfect party, while you enjoy a stress free day. Your child will thank you later, we guarantee it!


Summer Camp
in Grand Junction

Discover why parents in Grand Junction love our Kids Martial Arts Summer Camps. Give your child an experience they won't forget. Martial arts changes lives.